

Welcome to ITLS Mid-Atlantic! We strive to advance the level of trauma services provided to the citizens of The District of Columbia, Virginia and  West Virginia. We look forward to hearing your suggestions on how we can improve our educational offerings to the ITLS community. Please contact us with your comments or ideas. Our e-mail address is info@itlswv.org.

Lisa D Hrutkay DO, FACEP, ITLS Mid-Atlantic Medical Director

The Mid-Atlantic Chapter of ITLS recognizes the importance of quality out of hospital care. We are dedicated to improving education of health care providers and out of hospital patient care. First Responders, EMTs, Paramedics, Nurses, Physician Assistants, and Physicians are a critical component of the patient care team. Well trained health care providers, operating with the supervision of medical direction will ensure appropriate care and timely transport, thereby reducing the incidence of morbidity and mortality.

Both WVACEP and National ACEP endorse the educational efforts of ITLS in improving the care of trauma patients. The West Virginia College of Emergency Physicians oversees the efforts of ITLS education throughout the Region.